How to find out Directory Listing Vulnerability ?

Testing directory listing is essential to ensure that proper security measures are in place and to identify any potential vulnerabilities. Here's how you can test directory listing:

1. Manual Testing:

  • Open your web browser and navigate to the root URL of your website (e.g.,
  • Append a directory name to the URL and check if the directory listing is displayed. For example, try accessing to see if it lists the files and directories within the "images" directory.
  • Repeat the process for different directories to check if directory listing is enabled for any of them.

2. Using automated tools:

  • Dirb
  • Gobuster
  • Dirbuster

3. Use a Web Browser:

  • Use a web browser's developer tools (F12 or right-click and "Inspect") to check the network requests and responses when accessing a directory.
  • Look for HTTP status codes and response contents to determine if directory listing is enabled or disabled. A 200status code with a list of files indicates that directory listing is active, while a 403 or 404 status code typically means it is disabled.

4. Use curl:

  • Open a terminal or command prompt and use curl, a command-line tool, to make HTTP requests.
  • Use curl to access a directory and check the response. For example:

                Curl -

Look for the HTTP status code and response content to determine if directory listing is enabled.

5. Web Vulnerability Scanners:

  • Use web vulnerability scanners like Burp Suite, OWASP ZAP, or Nikto to perform automated scans of your web application. These tools may identify directory listing vulnerabilities among other security issues.

6. Directory Traversal Testing:

  • Perform directory traversal testing by attempting to access files and directories outside the intended scope of the application. For example:

7. Manual Code Review:

  • Review the source code of your web application to ensure that appropriate measures are in place to prevent directory listing vulnerabilities. Check if user-supplied input is validated and sanitized before being used in file path operations.

8.    Penetration Testing:

  • Conduct a comprehensive penetration test on your web application, including directory listing testing, to identify and address any potential security issues.

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